HIOKI 8835-01(8936*1) 2ch 4MW Memory Hi-Corder SOLD OUT sold
Measurement ranges(using ANALOG UNIT 8936); 10mV to 20V/division,12ranges, Frequency characteristic; DC to 400 kHz ±3 dB, Number of input channels; Analog(up to 8 channels)+logic(16 channels standard) Memory Capacity: When 1 channel is in use:12bits×4Mwords /channel When 8 channels are in use:12bits×500Kwords /channel Screen:6.4 inch TFT color LCD display(640×480 dots) Power Supply:Rated power voltage 100 to 120 VAC, 200 to 240 VAC (auto-switching),Rated power Frequency 50/60 Hz Dimensions:Approx. 285W×220H×132Dmm
8936:Analog Unit (2ch,Voltage input,DC-400kHz band width)
J-manual(Paper),8936(2ch,Voltage input,DC-400kHz band width),Manual(CD-R),Cable*1(9198),PC card protector