周波数応答: ±0.5 dB to 1 MHz (small signal) gain up to 1000 ±0.2 dB to 300 kHz -3 dB @ 1 MHz @ 1 Vpp output
信号フィルタ: ローパス/ハイパスフィルタ (6 or 12dB/oct) 周波数範囲 0.03Hz~1MHz バンドパス フィルタ(6dB/oct)としても使用可能
ゲインアロケーション: High DR: フィルタ通過後に増幅 Low Noise: 信号増幅後、フィルタを通過 最大出力:10 Vpp into 50 or 600Ω
Replacement New Battery Inputs:Single-ended or true differential Impedance:100 Mohm + 25 pF, DC-coupled Maximum Inputs: 1 VDC before overload; 3 V peak to peak max AC coupled; protected to 100 VDC Maximum Output 10 Vpp
Noise: <4 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz CMRR: >90 dB to 1 kHz, decreasing by 6 dB / octave (20 dB / decade) above 1 kHz Gain: 1 to 50,000 in 1-2-5 sequence vernier gain in 0.5% steps
Flatness:±0.3dB to 300kHz (gains up to 1000) -3 dB at 1 MHz, 1 Vpp output
Gain Stability:200 ppm /°C DC Drift: 5 uV/°C referred to input (DC coupled) Filters:0.03 Hz to 1 MHz, 10% typical accuracy Distortion: 0.01% typical
Power:100, 120, 220, 240 VAC (50/60 Hz), 60 Watts Max Internal Batteries: 3 x 12 V, 1.9 Ah sealed lead-acid (rechargeable) ±12 VDC in / out through rear panel banana jacks