882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator
882 GeneratorVideo Test Generator

Quantum Data

882 Generator Video Test Generator


• DTV ready
• Built-in formats
• Central administration
• Network control
• Graphics SDK
• HDMI and DVI link DVI out of a separate connector.
• Multiple configurations
• Local pattern storage.
• Self-calibrating

TMDS protocols: DM1.0 and HDMI 1.1 (882E: HDMI 1.3)
Encoding: RGB or YCbCr (only RGB in DVI mode)
Sampling modes: 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 (only 4:4:4 in DVI mode)
Color Depth (HDMI): 24/30/36 bit 4:4:4 RGB/YCbCr
16/20/24 bit 4:2:2 YCbCr
Bits/component: 8, 10 or 12 (only 8 in DVI mode)
Aspect ratio
Content: 4:3, 14:9, 16:9
Embedded: 4:3, 16:9
Format (coded): 4:3, 16:9
Format timings: All EIA/CEA-861-D formats
All E-EDID sink-requested <81 MHz
(882E: <165 MHz)
Streams: 4
Channels: 8
Bits per sample: 16
Sampling rates: 32.0, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 176.4, 192 kHz
Stream type: IEC 60958-3 Consumer LPCM
(IEC 61937 possible with external source)
Audio content: FL and FR
Mixer mux: Sinewave or external audio
SDI/HDSDI (optional)
Connector: BNC 75 ohm
Links: Single
Bit stream: 1.485 Gb/s and 1.485/1.001 Gb/s
Encoding: 4:2:2
Bits/component: 10 bits/component
Sampling mode: YCbCr
Signal swing: 800mV
Standards: SDI-SMPTE 259M; HD-SDI – SMPTE 292M-C
Horizontal Timing
Frequency range:
Analog component 8 kHz―1000 kHz
Analog composite 15.734 or 15.625 kHz
HDMI 8 – 1000 kHz
DVI 128 kHz
Total pixels: 65,535 pixels (max)
Vertical Timing
Frequency: 1 Hz―650 Hz
Active lines: 4096 lines (max)
Blank lines: 1 to Total 1 (min)
Step lines: 1
Scan Types: Progressive, Interlaced, Segmented
Composite sync types: Ored, Serrated,
Serrated & Equalized, Tri-level
Video Memory
Size: 882E: 16,384,000 pixels at 32-bits/pixel
32,768,000 pixels at 8-bits/pixel
Maximum width: 882E: 16,384 pixels at 32 bits/pixel
16,384 pixels at 8 bits/pixel
Color depth: 32 (24-bit TrueColor up to 200 MHz)
8 bits up to 250 MHz
36 bits up to 165 MHz
Size: 3.4” x 13” x 11.2” (HWD)
Weight: approx. 15 lb.
Operating Temp: 32º to 104ºF (0ºC to 40ºC)

HDMI-HDMI@2m,Closs LAN Cable 8pin-8pin@2m,
Transfer Connector BNC(m)-RCA(f),
CD-ROM(Resource CD for 880,802 and 700series),
Compact Flash Adapter,Compact Flash,Power Code